Smart Utilities

Smart Utilities

We provide solutions that are suitable for your business needs. Seamlessly connect, control, and manage devices to unlock limitless possibilities for growth and efficiency.

How our solutions work

Explore how our innovative approach delivers efficiency and accuracy to transform the way you work.


Sensor Acquire Data

Retrofit sensors acquire data from AMR-ready water meters / Streetlights that support Nema Controller


Transmit Data

The collected data is then transmitted via LoRaWAN network to the IoT Platform for processing.


Display Data

The dashboard provides data visualization accessible to users or service providers.

You should know

Our Best Features

Efficiency-boosting automation for streamlined utility management and cost savings

Fast and Accurate
Real-Time Monitoring
Increase Cost Efficiency
Analysis in making improvements
Allows integration with billing systems
Display the utilites usage reports

Benefits for you

Get various valuable benefits for your business by using Antares Smart Utilities.

Enhancing operational efficiency by automating processes

Cost saving through more efficient resource management

Productivity enhancement by reducing time spent on manual monitoring

Improved service quality through enhanced monitoring

Environmental sustainability by optimizing resource usage

Enhanced security by quickly detecting and responding to threats

Utility solutions for you

Solutions optimizing efficiency and performance for a seamless and connected experience


Smart Water Meter

Facilitates water supply companies to monitor assets and water management in real-time through an integrated database. This solution can help companies identify risks earlier, aiding in making business processes more efficient.


Smart PJU

Street lighting system integrated with IoT technology to optimize energy usage, enhance operational efficiency, and ensure public safety.


Water Level Monitoring

Is a system for measuring and recording water level using IoT sensors in various environments such as rivers, reservoirs, dams, and groundwater sources. The purpose of this monitoring can vary, ranging from water resource management, flood mitigation, irrigation operations, to environmental monitoring.


What our clients are saying

PDAM Tirta benteng

Dengan adanya Smart Water Meter masyarakat juga bisa memantau secara real time konsumsi air yang mereka gunakan sehingga pelanggan bisa memperkirakan berapa tagihan bulanannya, sedangkan PDAM bisa mengurangi tingkat kehilangan air tingkat kehilangan air dari adanya deviasi bacaan meter induk dengan bacaan meter pelanggan.

M. Ali Mu'min - Manager Hubungan Langganan


Perumda Cilegon Mandiri

Dari start awal project pada Maret 2022, NRW sebesar 34%. Setelah diterapkan Smart Water Meter selama tiga bulan, NRW turun menjadi 16,17% pada Agustus 2022.

Sidik Juwaeso - Kepala Bagian Teknik


Perumda Cilegon Mandiri

Setelah transformasi digital ini, yang paling terasa adalah berubahnya polapikir dari rekan-rekan yang ada di kantor maupun di lapangan.  Sebelum bekerja mereka memperhatikan dulu aplikasi distribusi ini (dashboard) sehingga mereka mengetahui daerah mana yang akan mereka telusuri.,yaitu daerah yang tingkat kebocorannya tinggi. Sehingga mereka bekerja lebih efisien, mengurangi sumber daya, dan lebih cepat terhadap penanganan kebocoran

Heri Hariri - Kasubag Perencanaan


Increase Your Business
Productivity and Efficiency

Contact us for a personalized package so we can provide customized products and solutions based on your business needs.