Smart Manufacture

Smart Manufacture

Antares Solution's product portfolio focused on the manufacturing sector. Comprising three core elements—hardware, network, and applications (device, network, and application)—Antares can deliver either end-to-end solutions encompassing all three components or partial solutions targeting specific aspects.

How our solutions work

Explore how our innovative approach delivers efficiency and accuracy to transform the way you work.


Install Sensor

Installing the sensor to digitize your data collection. The sensor is placed to detect ptoducts on a productio nline or machine.


Connect Hardware

After installing the sensor, connect it with the Antares IoT device using internet connection (Ethernet or WiFi).


Display Data

Once the data is flowing, you could see the collected data through your PC, Tablet, or TV.

You should know

Our Best Features

Efficiency-boosting automation for streamlined utility management and cost savings

Real-Time Monitoring
Historical Data

Benefits for you

Get various valuable benefits for your business by using Antares Smart Manufacture.

Speeds up decision making by data-driven management

Efficient production with data and proper policies

Accurately monitor critical parameters

Conduct faster, easier, and more accurate audits

Manufacture solutions for you

Explore how our innovative approach delivers efficiency and accuracy to transform the way you work.


Environment Monitoring System (EMS)

Solution for monitoring environmental conditions, such as air temperature, air humidity, air pressure, pollution levels, specific chemical concentrations, and so forth.


Power Monitoring System (PMS)

This solution tracks energy consumption in a plant, helping management monitor usage in each sector for efficient energy management. It covers electricity, gas, and water consumption.


Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

OEE assesses manufacturing efficiency by comparing machine use to potential production, measuring the percentage of productive time based on machine quality, performance, and availability.


What our clients are saying

Kimia Farma Sungwun

Implementasi IoT sangat membantu kami memonitor kondisi Water Purifier System secara online dan memberikan notifikasi ketika ada kondisi abnormal. Menjadi harapan kami kedepannya IoT dapat mengotomasi proses yang ada bahkan ketika kondisi abnormal terjadi bisa melakukan self recovery

Yogie, Quality & Control Engineer KFSP - Manager Manufacture



OEE Monitoring, manajemen dapat melihat OEE secara real-time dan operator lebih aware terhadap downtime. Tim perencanaan dan teknik juga dapat dengan cepat melihat gambaran untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan yang berkelanjutan.

Agus - Garudafood


Increase Your Business
Productivity and Efficiency

Contact us for a personalized package so we can provide customized products and solutions based on your business needs.