Antares Education

Antares Education

Solutions for your business to learn and develop skills about IoT directly from the experts. Provide the bridge to a wider digital ecosystem.

How our solutions work

Explore how our innovative approach delivers efficiency and accuracy to transform the way you work.


AM offers our service

AM engages potential customers, presenting the benefits and features of the KiDi IoT solution, tailored to their educational needs.


Contract with school

Upon customer interest, Witel collaborates with schools to formalize agreements, outlining the scope of training and implementation of KiDi IoT


IoT Training

Our team conducts comprehensive training sessions for teachers and students at the respective schools, ensuring proficient usage of the KiDi IoT tools and resources

You should know

Our Best Features

Efficiency-boosting automation for streamlined utility management and cost savings

IoT Development Tools Kit
Module Hands-On & User Guide
Workshop and Hands-On IoT Use Case Development
Training of Trainers
Antares Telkom Certificate
Industry Visit

Benefits for you

Get various valuable benefits for your business by using Antares Education.

School curriculum follows industrial advancements

Students explore diverse IoT implementations

Teachers receive latest IoT training

Inventory of IoT learning devices

Telkom-issued IoT expertise certification

Education solutions for you

Solutions optimizing efficiency and performance for a seamless and connected experience


Smart Parking

A sophisticated parking solution that monitors parking slots in real-time, ensures efficient time management, tight access control, and anti-theft protection accessible from smartphones.


Smart Garden

A modern garden solution integrating advanced sensors, smooth manual controls, and automation all adjustable through a user-friendly app.


Smart Home

A smart home solution monitoring temperature, opening windows, and controlling lights with a simple touch on a smartphone.


What our clients are saying

SMK Budi Mandiri

Kegiatan TOT-nya sangat seru sekali, sangat menginspirasi bagi kami terutama pengajar yang nanti akan disampaikan ke siswa

Pak Sutisna - Guru SMK Budi Mandiri


SMK Budi Mandiri

Kesan pesannya TOT sangat menyenangkan, banyak hal yang baru, hal motivasi untuk terus berkembang di bidang teknologi

Pak Dian Supriatna - Guru SMK Budi Mandiri


SMK Telkom

Merasa sangat berbahagia dan bersyukur bisa bekerja sama dengan Telkom, Indibiz, dan Antares dalam rangka Kelas Industri Digital Internet of things. Dalam rangka kegiatan TOT, mendapatkan wawasan dan ilmu baru bagaimana IoT bekerja dan bisa mempraktekannya dalam kegiatan sehari-hari. Semoga kerja sama ini semakin baik lagi dan bermanfaat bagi anak-anak nusa bangsa.

Ryan Rawhan - Kaprodi PJKT SMK Telkom Bandung


SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta

Internet of Things memiliki potensi besar dalam sektor edukasi dan memberikan manfaat bagi siswa, guru, dan lembaga pendidikan secara terintegrasi

Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd - Guru Teknik Elektronika SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta


Increase Your Business
Productivity and Efficiency

Contact us for a personalized package so we can provide customized products and solutions based on your business needs.